2023 CMC Sustainability Report

"We are committed to furthering our
positive impact to create a stronger,
safer and more sustainable world."

Peter Matt

President and Chief Executive Officer






diversity in our workplace (female & non-white)



water recycling and reuse rate



facilities with a zero incident rate


8.1M tons

kept from landfills annually

Energy Consumption


decrease in energy consumption intensity since 2019



increase in our community charitable giving since 2019

Renewable Resources


increase in electricity from renewable sources since 2019

Customer Satisfaction


global customer satisfaction score

A Letter from Peter Matt

CEO Headshot

Sustainability is engrained in everything we do at CMC—from how we develop our strategy and business model, to the way we operate each and every day and to the safety of every member of our team.

Since our founding over 100 years ago, we’ve consistently focused on being a responsible company while providing value for all our stakeholders—for our customers, employees, communities, financial partners, and our shareholders.

The people at CMC are crucial to the success of every aspect of our business. We only succeed by employing outstanding talent and building strong relationships within the communities where we work and live.

When it comes to environmental impact, our emphasis on continuous improvement makes us a model for our industry. Our operations focus on conservation and leverage the latest green technology and innovations to reduce the impact of our products. Our Safety Management Program, built around deep employee engagement, has led to exceptional employee safety performance. Our engagement with local communities continues to build trust inside and outside our facilities and tangible benefits to those communities. We are committed to furthering our positive impact to create a stronger, safer and more sustainable world.

Built on Circularity

CMC’s sustainability initiatives are driven by our vertically integrated business model, which goes hand in hand with the principles of the circular economy. We collect scrap metal, melt, cast and roll it into steel shapes that are then fabricated into finished products. When these products reach the end of their useful lives, they become the scrap metal that begins the next cycle. This closed-loop system reduces waste, produces lower greenhouse gas emissions and increases the resilience of our business. Controlling our raw material supply ensures low cost inputs in our process while our fabrication operations connect us to our end customer and give us insight into market trends.

This model is complemented by our commitment to utilizing innovative technology to improve the efficiency of our processes. In 2023, we made great strides in advancing our micro mill technology with the Startup of our new micro mill in Arizona. This mill builds on the concept of the micro mill’s lower energy footprint with its ability to utilize renewable energy as a substantial component of its power source. In July of 2023, we broke ground on yet another micro mill in West Virginia, which will deploy advanced technology and help us further reduce our carbon footprint as we grow.

Leading on Sustainability

As our sustainability journey continues at CMC, we have refocused our efforts on accountability and stewardship, taking major steps forward as an industry leader.

In 2023, we completed our inaugural climate risk assessment to identify CMC’s most pressing climate-related risks and opportunities. This will help drive the development of our climate strategy moving
forward. We are also a founding member of the nonprofit Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC), which advances climate strategy by establishing standards that incentivize the decarbonization of the steel industry. The GSCC has created a single, technology agnostic framework for product certification and company-wide emission targets for all steel producers which aligns with a science-based path to limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2050.

In addition to our environmental efforts, in 2023 CMC achieved record employee safety performance, building on our performance from 2022. This improvement reflects CMC’s commitment to ensuring our team members’ safety as we work to create a stronger, more sustainable world through our products. We also continued to help try to improve lives in the places we call home through local and corporate giving campaigns totaling close to $2 million and through volunteering initiatives.

Looking Forward

As we look to the year ahead, we will focus on continuing to operate our business safely while working to reduce our environmental footprint.

We will continue to build partnerships with local utilities to improve the efficiency and reliability of the electricity grid.

To achieve our wider environmental goals, we will continue to invest in our people and communities. Our goal is to create a culture of excellence, that inspires productivity and encourages fresh thinking while also supporting all our employees across our organization. Creating a culture of support means supporting our CMC team members’ physical and mental health and wellbeing.

While we are proud of what we have accomplished to date, we are not content. We will continue to focus on how our products, processes and people can improve our world for future generations.

We will get there by working together, as one CMC family.

Peter R. Matt
President and Chief Executive Officer






Awards & Recognition Star vector
CMC goals target

Our Goals

We are committed to continuing our targeted reductions to keep us on track to remain one of the most efficient steel manufacturers. In 2020, we established goals to increase our use of renewable energy and reduce our energy consumption, GHG emissions and water withdrawal by 2030. These goals align with the 2050 global sector target established by the Paris Climate Agreement for the below -1.5 degrees Celsius scenario, as well as the tenets of the Global Steel Climate Council, of which CMC is a founding member. As of August 31, 2023, we are ahead of schedule on three of our four goals.

Our Sustainability Goals

Targets for 2030, with a 2019 baseline.

About this report

This Sustainability Report provides information on the most relevant ESG topics for our business, our sustainability strategy, how we identify and assess emerging sustainability issues and the progress we are making on our priority sustainability topics.

Report Scope
This Sustainability Report covers key activities and performance metrics from our 2023 fiscal year from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023. Unless otherwise noted, all data and information represent our global recycling, mill and downstream facilities. When evaluating CMC’s operational footprint, our EAF steel mills represent more than 95% of our GHG emissions and energy and water usage, therefore we use our mill data as the boundary for our environmental metrics.

Our report covers the sustainability topics most important to our stakeholders, as described in “Sustainability at CMC.” This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 2021 Standards and references the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Iron & Steel Producers Standard and recommendations from the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We provide GRI, SASB and TCFD Content Indices at the back of this report to help stakeholders find information relevant to their needs.

To learn more about sustainability at CMC, browse this website. For questions regarding CMC’s sustainability initiatives, or any of the content that we include in this report, please contact our manager of public and investor relations at [email protected].